Itinerari di carta | Collective exhibition

8 MAY 2010 | VIA  DI CITTà, 125/127 SIENA


8 – 29 may  2010


Collective exhibition “Itinerari di carta”.

The discovery of paper marks one of the brightest milestones in the history of human civilization; some historians advance the theory that paper was a key element in the evolution of cultures and paper is the central element of this event, used not only as a support, but as the main material, around which the artists’ work revolves invited to interact with it.

This exhibition explores, through the work of Sabato Angiero, Hiroaki Asahara, Giuseppe Chiari, Matilde Domestico, Ali Hassoun, Fabio Inverni, Emilio Isgrò, Franco Massanova, Carlo Pizzichini and Giuliano Tomaino the various ways of using and making this material one’s own which becomes co -protagonist and allows each artist to tell their own “journey”, their own story.