Ventanni Samuele

Samuele Ventanni was born in Umbertide in 1986, son of art, he has been attending the Gubbio Art Institute in the Architecture sector since 2001.

Ventanni’s research rediscovers the extroflexion technique to push the boundary of object painting even further, born in the late 1950s as a reaction to the Informal, with the aim of overcoming the traditional concept of painting. An action conducted by looking at the painting no longer as a mere place of representation but as an autonomous place, capable of functioning only in a dialectical relationship with the space that surrounds it and therefore with the user.

Despite his young age he has already gained significant experience in Italy and abroad: in 2007 he exhibited in the group show ‘Contemporary, Italian Art between shape and color’ set up by Palazzo Palffy in Bratislava. In 2008 he participated in ‘Contatti: Kontakty’ in the Bratislava and Perugia offices: at the ‘Colorfest’ in the Minsk National Library, where he received the critics’ award for best revelation; at ‘Artefiera’ in Parma and Forlì. Twenty years on several occasions he gave life to ‘The forms of light’: an event inaugurated in 2008 in Umbertide; repeated in 2009 in Cortona; in 2010 at the Milleniumart gallery in Lucca.

In 2009 his works were presented at the Palace Gallery of the Republic of Minsk in the exhibition ‘Object painting’; at the Znad Wilii gallery in Vilnis with ‘The Modulor and The Monumentality’. In the same year, during the Fitness Festival in Rome, he exhibited his works on the stand of the ‘Night Time’ magazine, garnering much acclaim. In 2010 a work by him was donated to the actor, director and screenwriter Terry Gilliam; arriving in Mantua in 2011 with a personal exhibition in the CM Artestudio gallery. In 2012 he exhibited in the Recò Gallery of Città di Castello and in the same year he participated in the Rome art fair ‘Affordable Art Fair’.

In 2013 and 2014 he exhibited together with his father at the Rocca di Umbertide Center for Contemporary Art with the exhibition Ventanni. We, the dream within the dream, receiving numerous acclaim, so as to re-propose the exhibition also in the prestigious halls of the CERP-Rocca Paolina exhibition center in Perugia. Also the protagonist of a personal exhibition in the Marula Gallery in Feltre (BL) in the same period of 2014, he is present in numerous Arte Fiera throughout the country. In 2015 he exhibited with the Noi project, the dream in the Dream in Luxembourg, in the Espace 1900 gallery; in the same period he exhibited with a personal exhibition entitled ‘Equilibri Mutanti’ in the Plus Art Plus gallery in Rome. During the year he participates in various Arte Fiera in Italy.

In 2016 he exhibited in Malta in the halls of the ancient university in Valletta, with the collective entitled INCONTRI. During the year he also participates in a personal exhibition in the Gallery in Treviso. In 2017 you participated in the collective ‘Contatti’ in the prestigious halls of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Italy in Rome. In March she is the protagonist of the personal exhibition the ‘Dynamism of beauty’ at the Galleria Verdesi in the San Benedetto Del Tronto headquarters. In June, he exhibited in a personal exhibition ‘The forms of light’ in Montone. During the year you participate in various Arte Fiera in Italy. In 2018 he participated in various Arte Fiera in Italy and collaborated with the Hampel Auction House in Munich.

Introiezione 3 grigi circle

Mixed media on board cm. 53 x 71

Introiezione 3 blu circle

Mixed media on board cm. 77 x 110

Introiezione bianca

Mixed media on board cm. 100 x 100

Introiezione 20 neri circle

Mixed media on board cm. 102 x 92


Dubai (UAE), “Ventanni in Vespa”, Firetti Contemporary.
Nizza (Francia), “Le strutture visive di oggi”, con Alberto Biasi, Sandi Renko, Claudio Rotta Loria, Galleria Depardieu.


Napoli (Italia), “policentrismo dell’arte”, collettiva, Nola.
Sansepolcro (Italia), collettiva, sala Esposizioni Comunale di Palazzo Pretorio.
Bologna (Italia), Artefiera, galleria “Glance art studio”.


Bologna (Italia), Artefiera.
Monaco di Baviera (Germania), Casa d’aste Hampel, Palazzo Hampel.


Roma (Italia), “Contatti”, collettiva, sale dell’Ambasciata della Repubblica Slovacca in Italia.
San Benedetto del Tronto (Italia), “Il dinamismo della bellezza”, Galleria Verdesi.
Perugia (Italia), “Le forme della luce”, Montone.
Bologna (Italia), Artefiera.


La Valletta (Malta), “Incontri”, collettiva, Università di La Valletta.
Bratislava (Slovacchia), “Contatti”, collettiva.
Perugia (Italia), “Contatti”, collettiva.
Treviso (Italia), personale, Galleria.
Milano (Italia), “Il dinamismo della bellezza”, galleria Verdesi.
Bologna (Italia), Artefiera.


Lussemburgo, “Noi, Il sogno nel Sogno”, insieme al padre, galleria Espace 1900.
Roma (Italia), “EQUILIBRI MUTANTI”, galleria Plus Art Plus.
Bologna (Italia), ArteFiera.


Umbertide (Italia), “Ventanni. Noi, Il sogno nel Sogno”, insieme al padre, Rocca di Umbertide Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea.
Perugia (Italia), “Ventanni. Noi, Il sogno nel Sogno”, insieme al padre, sale del CERP- centro espositivo Rocca Paolina di Perugia.
Belluno (Italia), personale, Galleria Marula di Feltre.
Bologna (Italia), Artefiera.


Umbertide (Italia), “Ventanni. Noi, Il sogno nel Sogno”, insieme al padre, Rocca di Umbertide Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea.


Città di Castello (Italia), “Artisti alla Moda”, Galleria Recò.


Mantova (Italia), personale nella galleria CM Artestudio.
Roma (Italia), “Affordable Art Fair”.


Opera donata all’attore, regista e sceneggiatore Terry Gilliam.