Terre Bruciate | Giorgio Moiso

Terre Bruciate | Giorgio Moiso

18 MAY 2011 | VIA  DELLE CAMPANE, 9 SIENA   18 may  – 5 june 2011   Solo exhibition by Giorgio Moiso “Terre bruciate”. Giorgio Moiso was born in Cairo Montenotte in the province of Savona, on 13 February 1942. He began painting in 1955 and at the same...
Aspettando Charlie | Giorgio Moiso

Aspettando Charlie | Giorgio Moiso

18 april 2009 | VIA  DI CITTà, 111 SIENA   18 april – 8 may  2009   Personal exhibition by Giorgio Moiso “Aspettando Charlie”. On the occasion of the vernissage the artist made a performance accompanied by jazz musicians. Giorgio Moiso was born in...
Angeli di terra | Giorgio Moiso

Angeli di terra | Giorgio Moiso

15 june 2006 | VIA  DI CITTà, 111 SIENA   15 june – 6 july 2006   Giorgio Moiso’s solo exhibition “Angeli di terra”. Giorgio Moiso was born in Cairo Montenotte in the province of Savona on 13 February 1942, he began painting in 1955 and at the...